Whilst hanging about at Cammell Lairds ship yard in Gibraltar for one of the Normand twins to come in from a Dynamic Positioning test so I could install a PBX, the guy’s on the quay side were getting ready to receive a fast ferry into the dry dock for maintenance.
I grabbed the Blackberry and snapped off a few shots so sorry about the quality of the photos.
These vessels operated by Acciona are a regular feature in the Bay and Straits and everyone knows full well to keep an eye out for them because of their speed. Most small yachts cruise at 10 knots and ships cruise at 18 knots but these behemoths carve up the ocean at 40+ knots which means from the time you spot them on watch or AIS/Radar until they pass by can be on top of you in less than a few minutes leaving a huge wake in, well, their wake!
300 feet long and travelling 40 miles per hour is an object not to be taken lightly. Look at the stats.
Total length: 97,20 m.
Breadth: 26,60 m.
Depth: 7,70 m.
Standard displacement: 1.050 tm.
Maximum displacement: 1.650 a 1.792 tm.
Engine power: 39.200 C.V.
Speed: from 38 to 47 knots
Capacity: 880 Passengers
260 Vehicles
What was so amazing was the absolute control the Captain had over the vessel as he negotiated the vessel into the dry dock without any rope handlers or linesmen with just a foot or two of clearance on both sides.
The vessels are manufactured in Australia by Incat and their all aluminum wave piercing design is what gives them such speed and the water jet propulsion system does not require rudders nor reverse gear, just a fully articulated propulsion unit coupled to a reversing bucket that directs water in the right direction.
The wake left behind as they enter the Bay is spectacular. On one occasion I was transferring from a ship to a 45 foot long 4 ton launch and was very nearly thrown into the water when the launch was tossed about like a twig as the wake slammed into the ship’s hull and bounced back at the launch.
As Mr. Bond would say, "shaken but not stirred", but it was close.
Journey times are less than half of normal ships and during the summer months, millions of passengers travel between Algeciras in Spain to Tangiers in Morocco or Ceuta which is a small territory in North Africa belonging to Spain.
Each time I spot one whilst onboard another ship, I always fire up the AIS and clock their speed, it never fails to impress me. If you get the chance, buy yourself a ticket and take a ride, it’s well worth it if for no other reason than to marvel at how smooth the ride is and how quickly you get to your destination.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Black Box

So what prey tell is a VDR or SVDR? Glad you asked that question cause I’m about to tell you. This subject is huge and I won’t bore you to death with minute details but I’ll give you enough information and photos just to make it bearable! Sitting comfortably? Good we’ll begin.
VDR = Voyage Data Recorder
SVDR = Simplified Voyage Data Recorder
Under the terms of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a vessel over a certain tonnage and usage is to be equipped with one of these devices. Like commercial aircraft, a ship also has a black box recorder that that can be retrieved in the event of an accident or sinking that will help determine the cause of the accident or who was a fault which is the bit the layers just love.
It’s pretty comprehensive stuff in that the system records radar or radar images, AIS data, speed, heading, rate of turn, course over ground, rudder position, door and/or cargo door alarms, VHF radio traffic and even the crews voices at various positions on the bridge and bridge wings.
The IMO has decreed that stricter controls are necessary on this SDVR molarky because there are more and more instances of incomplete data present following an incident so tighter checks are on the way from classification societies I’m sure.
This one was in great shape and a credit to her Captain, crew and owners and a pleasure to be involved with. Thanks for reading.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Blue Banana
Last week, Gumer (pronounced Goomer, don’t ask I’ll tell you another day) and I popped out to the Bay of Gibraltar to undertake a DNV annual performance survey for radio gear on behalf of the vessel owners. Being a low budget refrigeration ship built in Poland, we weren’t expecting much except rust and a lot of communication issues.
The crew were a mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and Polish of varying degrees of seniority from Captain all the way down to Bilge Rat. Now, this vessel was about twenty years old but she was in pretty good shape all round considering the invariably hard life she had led. There were a few issues atop of the superstructure such as the MF/HF radio antennae wasn’t connected to the transceiver which made contacting anything further away than several feet nigh on impossible, and the receiver DSC receiver antennae was a bit worse for wear but I digress.
The crew were a happy lot going about their duties with care and pride, always eager to help and their English was pretty good, certainly better than anything remotely Slavikesque or Balkanlike that I could let roll off my tongue even with a few good vodkas.
I got talking to a few of the guy’s and asked them if they wished to be on a more modern vessel with a bespoke computer room, better SatComms or even a gym as some of the snazzier ships have been festooned with. Their answer was surprising. Yes, they would prefer all the creature comforts to a degree but then they couldn’t have had their beloved bar which they would miss immensely.
You see, Next door to the Captains office and crew mess was a small space devised for drinking and socializing between shifts etc. There was no alcohol (that I could spot!....ha ha) but the whole home built arrangement had been well and truly stamped with the personality o f the Captain and crew throughout the life this vessel had led since its launch in 1990 and indeed made the ship feel at once a home for these lads. Look at the photos, it’s not much but you will see a plethora of bank notes from countries such as Turkey, Malta, Greece, America, Ecuador, Panama, Italy to name a few, uch the same way you would find photos of wives, girlfriends and family in the crew cabins.
No, despite the age of the ship, the cheesy Formica and Vinyl coverings, this bar is a microcosm of life at sea for this vessel and anyone tasked with sailing under her flag of convenience. It’s not much but it’s their home resplendent with the Blue Banana and they love it.
The crew were a mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and Polish of varying degrees of seniority from Captain all the way down to Bilge Rat. Now, this vessel was about twenty years old but she was in pretty good shape all round considering the invariably hard life she had led. There were a few issues atop of the superstructure such as the MF/HF radio antennae wasn’t connected to the transceiver which made contacting anything further away than several feet nigh on impossible, and the receiver DSC receiver antennae was a bit worse for wear but I digress.
The crew were a happy lot going about their duties with care and pride, always eager to help and their English was pretty good, certainly better than anything remotely Slavikesque or Balkanlike that I could let roll off my tongue even with a few good vodkas.
I got talking to a few of the guy’s and asked them if they wished to be on a more modern vessel with a bespoke computer room, better SatComms or even a gym as some of the snazzier ships have been festooned with. Their answer was surprising. Yes, they would prefer all the creature comforts to a degree but then they couldn’t have had their beloved bar which they would miss immensely.
You see, Next door to the Captains office and crew mess was a small space devised for drinking and socializing between shifts etc. There was no alcohol (that I could spot!....ha ha) but the whole home built arrangement had been well and truly stamped with the personality o f the Captain and crew throughout the life this vessel had led since its launch in 1990 and indeed made the ship feel at once a home for these lads. Look at the photos, it’s not much but you will see a plethora of bank notes from countries such as Turkey, Malta, Greece, America, Ecuador, Panama, Italy to name a few, uch the same way you would find photos of wives, girlfriends and family in the crew cabins.
No, despite the age of the ship, the cheesy Formica and Vinyl coverings, this bar is a microcosm of life at sea for this vessel and anyone tasked with sailing under her flag of convenience. It’s not much but it’s their home resplendent with the Blue Banana and they love it.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mercedes Madness
We’d had it all of 6 days when I inserted the key into the ignition and nothing happened, not even das wimperus autøfårten.
I Checked all the fuses located in the 3 different locations, the battery under the seat and even the made sure all the bulbs were working as well as all the relays but to no avail.
So being of the slightly geeky variety I set about pleading for help on the various Mercedes user groups and came across a couple of lads in the UK whom, it would seem, have forgotten more about Mercs than most mechanics will learn in a lifetime. They suggested I try cleaning the lens on the key because the infrared bit becomes dirty over time as well as the ignition unit. Still nothing, so they then told me to check yet another fuse in the air-conditioning unit that uses a fan to cool the processors in the engine management unit (ECU) but still nothing happening.
The eventual prognosis was that he Electronic Ignition System (EIS) was faulty. I had to call the Grua (tow truck) to take it the garage where it eventually ended up at a Mercedes main dealer. Now, I’m not a wealthy guy and I cringed when I enquired about their hourly rate. It was pretty healthy but the up side was the guy’s I had been online with said that the EIS is a well known problem on that model and the dealer should fix it pretty quickly without too much hassle.
What they didn’t know was that Spanish Mercedes dealers have not gone through the same revolutionary training that UK dealers experience and instead of being say, 500 Euros to fix the problem it ended up being 1200…..Ouch.

Now, I get to see some pretty advanced electronics on a daily basis but I have never, repeat never seen anything quite so ridiculous as the ignition on our car. Look at the pictures and you have to think to yourself all that is simply to switch on the car. Whatever happened to good old fashioned lock tumblers and a couple of wires?
Serves us right for owning a Merc I guess and it has been shall we say an interesting experience. I don’t think I’ll ever be in a hurry to own one again let’s put it that way.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cool, I got a new Laptop!
There I was complaining about not having a laptop and getting withdrawal symptoms the other day when along comes the boss man who quietly presented me with his personal IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad to use for the time being. What a nice chap, he could see I needed one to effectively do my job.
What’s more I was given a copy of Office Enterprise 2007 and told in no uncertain terms that I was to install whatever I needed on the machine, including Itunes, antivirus, Photoshop, Blackberry software etc. Wow, this guy’s liberal or what?
The cherry on the cake is that I get to learn a whole new language in the process. Uh huh that’s right, you see, my boss is Norwegian and the machine in question is, you guessed it, Windows XP Norske complete with Norske keyboard. So with one deft swipe of the keyboard I can make character’s like Ø, ¤, Å, æ and Æ.
And the usual windows commands like Cut and Copy become, or translate to, Klipp Ut and Kopier as well as Properties becomes Egenskaper. It’s pretty easy really; let’s have a go shall we.
English – I don’t have a clue how to operate this computer.
Norwegian - Jeg har ikke en anelse om hvordan du skal betjene denne datamaskinen.
There you have it, your first Norwegian lesson. To show my appreciation, I’ve installed all my programs in English except for the Spanish anti virus, Chinese character map and the USA keyboard short cuts. If I could just add a South African plug to the mains adapter the whole schizophrenic ensemble would be complete.
What’s more I was given a copy of Office Enterprise 2007 and told in no uncertain terms that I was to install whatever I needed on the machine, including Itunes, antivirus, Photoshop, Blackberry software etc. Wow, this guy’s liberal or what?
The cherry on the cake is that I get to learn a whole new language in the process. Uh huh that’s right, you see, my boss is Norwegian and the machine in question is, you guessed it, Windows XP Norske complete with Norske keyboard. So with one deft swipe of the keyboard I can make character’s like Ø, ¤, Å, æ and Æ.
And the usual windows commands like Cut and Copy become, or translate to, Klipp Ut and Kopier as well as Properties becomes Egenskaper. It’s pretty easy really; let’s have a go shall we.
English – I don’t have a clue how to operate this computer.
Norwegian - Jeg har ikke en anelse om hvordan du skal betjene denne datamaskinen.
There you have it, your first Norwegian lesson. To show my appreciation, I’ve installed all my programs in English except for the Spanish anti virus, Chinese character map and the USA keyboard short cuts. If I could just add a South African plug to the mains adapter the whole schizophrenic ensemble would be complete.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Transfer at Sea
It’s quite amazing really. The shipping business can be traced back to the earliest of all human trading activities but over the centuries has developed into one of the most organized and hi tech industries that quite literally keep the worlds economy’s, governments and societies moving along 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In fact, if it weren’t for shipping, our world would be completely unrecognizable and a lot less interesting I’m sure.
Automation is becoming more prevalent and the level of technology I have seen in the newer Liquid Natural Gas carriers would make some NASA specialists raise an eyebrow or two. For example, the last monster I boarded had a 9 megawatt power plant aboard…just to keep the LNG cold and the energy stored in the one vessel alone could supply all the energy the UK uses in a single day. The figures are staggering.
So when it comes time to hop aboard for a spot of electronic maintenance, how do you think we do it? A good old fashioned rope ladder, that’s how. This method of boarding is as old as ancient history itself and it never ceases to tickle me as I scramble up the most technologically advanced ships with a web 2.0 device in my pocket and various electronics systems monitoring our every move from the bridge, the shore and low earth orbit that it still comes down to spliced and interwoven fibers and planks of wood to get the geeks aboard in the first place.
Getting off the ship and onto the launch for the return leg to shore is the same but in reverse. The difference here is the launch is smaller and weighs a fraction what he ship does and so bounces up and down by as much as 2 or 3 meters. Like good comedy, it’s all about timing!
You have to time the jump from the rope ladder to the launch and hope you get it right. Time it wrong and you’re going to twist an ankle or worse, slip between the launch and the ship and then risk getting squashed. If you don’t have a life jacket you could drown, if you have a life jacket and you fall in then you can’t dive down below the surface to avoid the squashing. Perhaps that’s where the saying “between the devil and the deep blue” comes from.
Strange as it may sound, it’s almost comforting to know that some things have remained the same for hundreds, if not thousands of years and the humble rope ladder is just one of those things.
Automation is becoming more prevalent and the level of technology I have seen in the newer Liquid Natural Gas carriers would make some NASA specialists raise an eyebrow or two. For example, the last monster I boarded had a 9 megawatt power plant aboard…just to keep the LNG cold and the energy stored in the one vessel alone could supply all the energy the UK uses in a single day. The figures are staggering.
So when it comes time to hop aboard for a spot of electronic maintenance, how do you think we do it? A good old fashioned rope ladder, that’s how. This method of boarding is as old as ancient history itself and it never ceases to tickle me as I scramble up the most technologically advanced ships with a web 2.0 device in my pocket and various electronics systems monitoring our every move from the bridge, the shore and low earth orbit that it still comes down to spliced and interwoven fibers and planks of wood to get the geeks aboard in the first place.
Getting off the ship and onto the launch for the return leg to shore is the same but in reverse. The difference here is the launch is smaller and weighs a fraction what he ship does and so bounces up and down by as much as 2 or 3 meters. Like good comedy, it’s all about timing!
You have to time the jump from the rope ladder to the launch and hope you get it right. Time it wrong and you’re going to twist an ankle or worse, slip between the launch and the ship and then risk getting squashed. If you don’t have a life jacket you could drown, if you have a life jacket and you fall in then you can’t dive down below the surface to avoid the squashing. Perhaps that’s where the saying “between the devil and the deep blue” comes from.
Strange as it may sound, it’s almost comforting to know that some things have remained the same for hundreds, if not thousands of years and the humble rope ladder is just one of those things.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Bianary Withdrawal Symptoms
About ten days ago, my laptop decided to up sticks and shuffle its digital consciousness off this mortal coil. Happily I had backed up everything including my Outlook PST file, all ITunes music and downloaded movies (did I say Bootleg???). Other files I l keep on a USB stick and for really old archived stuff I keep it on an external hard drive…….Oh sorry it’s called an external storage device. Hmph yeah whatever!
The point is that I am at present computer-less so I’m blagging Osita’s Dell for the odd task whilst I decide what to do about mine. Any normal person would just go and purchase a new l slaptop and be done with it but mine was an older Dell inspiron that had, wait for it, a 9 pin Dsub serial port. Oooh, WOW, Jeepers, not that old chestnut I hear you say.
Hey, in my line of activity I need one of those because every manufacturer of marine electronics seems to think that the rest of the world only uses said I/O protocol. USB it seems has yet to arrive in the marine world. There’s the odd fire wire port to be found on VDR’s but on the whole, serial is the norm and even the fire wire is of the 6 pin variety and most slaptops come equipped with the four pin breed which is no good since we need the other two pins to carry voltage.
I’m due to receive a new one at some point from the company but we are searching for that elusive serial port version so it’s not going to happen overnight. Yes, there are USB to serial converters but they don’t always work and we need a decent brand name as our machines have a hard life on and off ships and slung under cranes to get kit aboard when transferring from harbor launches.
In the mean time, I’m missing MY stuff easily accessible on MY computer including work files, podcasts, movies and synchronizing contacts and stuff. If this goes on much longer I’m going to have to go for therapy, I’m getting grumpy.
Thanks for reading again.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Car Quest
Back in December, my Osita had an altercation with a lamp post in her Ford Focus. Luckily, she was ok but the car was totaled. So, we set about to find a suitable replacement though Osita fancied herself in a Mercedes rather than a boring old Ford. Fair enough but the problem was that the insurance payout was never going to get anywhere near what a half decent Mercedes was going to cost. What’s more, anything German in Spain holds its value so I spent several weeks trawling the internet to see what could be afforded.
Happily, I found one on Spanish registration, left hand drive and just about in budget but, it was sat in the U.K. 2500 kilometers away. A few phone calls later and deal was struck, a cheap flight and a free weekend saw yours truly jetting off to the far reaches of Buckinghamshire in England to collect said vehicle and drive it back to Spain over the weekend. All sounds simple enough except the weekend in question was the worst on record for winter snow since records began apparently.
I landed in the snow in London, picked up the car in Snow, drove around the London Orbital M25 in snow and traversed the M20 down to Kent for the ferry in several blizzards. Got to the hotel in Dover just after 10 Friday and then slid on foot on the ice all the way to the pub (a rare chance to get a pint of strange warm brown English beer) and slipped back to the hotel again an hour later at closing time. Ferry was late Saturday morning due to the weather, finally drove the car aboard Saturday afternoon, had a wild crossing to Calais (big waves and high winds), arrived France late Saturday evening, started snowing, then blizzards from Calais to Normandy, arrived Le Mans midnight, stopped snowing, dog tired but kept going because it was way too late to get a hotel and then spent the rest of the night taking 30 minute cat naps in the car followed by a one hour drive to the next cat nap to keep warm.
Arrived San Sebastian 10:30 Sunday Morning, thankfully the snow stopped and the sky was brilliant sunshine but roads Icy. After a coffee break, drove through stunning snow covered countryside towards Vitoria-Gastiez, then Valladolid and finally Salamanca. As I got to Salamanca, the weather closed and the blizzards started again and then all traffic ground to a halt. The Guardia Civil did their upmost to keep everyone safe but as always there were a few idiots hell bent on driving fast and I saw more wrecked cars that ever. What a laugh though, I tip-toed from Salamanca to Caceres but gradually got confidence in the roads and they began to clear but it was still snowing with ice and sleet all the way to Seville. From then on it was just torrential rain. Got home 1:30 am Monday morning.
I'd done 2200 Kilometers in 30 hours (Calais to Algeciras) in the worst winter weather Europe has seen for who knows how many years. Quite an adventure but not one I wish to repeat in a hurry.
Happily, I found one on Spanish registration, left hand drive and just about in budget but, it was sat in the U.K. 2500 kilometers away. A few phone calls later and deal was struck, a cheap flight and a free weekend saw yours truly jetting off to the far reaches of Buckinghamshire in England to collect said vehicle and drive it back to Spain over the weekend. All sounds simple enough except the weekend in question was the worst on record for winter snow since records began apparently.
I landed in the snow in London, picked up the car in Snow, drove around the London Orbital M25 in snow and traversed the M20 down to Kent for the ferry in several blizzards. Got to the hotel in Dover just after 10 Friday and then slid on foot on the ice all the way to the pub (a rare chance to get a pint of strange warm brown English beer) and slipped back to the hotel again an hour later at closing time. Ferry was late Saturday morning due to the weather, finally drove the car aboard Saturday afternoon, had a wild crossing to Calais (big waves and high winds), arrived France late Saturday evening, started snowing, then blizzards from Calais to Normandy, arrived Le Mans midnight, stopped snowing, dog tired but kept going because it was way too late to get a hotel and then spent the rest of the night taking 30 minute cat naps in the car followed by a one hour drive to the next cat nap to keep warm.
Arrived San Sebastian 10:30 Sunday Morning, thankfully the snow stopped and the sky was brilliant sunshine but roads Icy. After a coffee break, drove through stunning snow covered countryside towards Vitoria-Gastiez, then Valladolid and finally Salamanca. As I got to Salamanca, the weather closed and the blizzards started again and then all traffic ground to a halt. The Guardia Civil did their upmost to keep everyone safe but as always there were a few idiots hell bent on driving fast and I saw more wrecked cars that ever. What a laugh though, I tip-toed from Salamanca to Caceres but gradually got confidence in the roads and they began to clear but it was still snowing with ice and sleet all the way to Seville. From then on it was just torrential rain. Got home 1:30 am Monday morning.
I'd done 2200 Kilometers in 30 hours (Calais to Algeciras) in the worst winter weather Europe has seen for who knows how many years. Quite an adventure but not one I wish to repeat in a hurry.
Monday, March 1, 2010
First Post
I've been lurking on the web long enough so after much deliberation and consideration (about 5 minutes) I decided to start this blog, Navigar Oso….More about the name later.
To be honest, I had an inkling to start a blog about five years ago and got as far as sort of starting one but figured I never did anything that would be of interest to anyone and perhaps I still don't. However, I've been reading about Jim and Renee's travel and life adventures over at their brilliant blog LiveWorkDream and I figured that I'd have a go.
Now, I'm not well versed in "blogging" and will struggle to find time to sit and write about something that I have experienced or think would make a good yarn which is why I've set up the Twitter feed on this site. I am paranoid about my spelling and grammar so I'll write something half a dozen times before pressing the publish button and spend equally ridiculous amounts of time with any images.
Not being born with a silver spoon in my mouth and suckered into the big mortgage trap of the last decade means I have to work for a living. Fortuitously, I work for a marine electronics company in the South of Spain and spend much of my time jumping on an off ships and the odd mega yacht to repair their navigational systems as well as the odd training course somewhere outside Spain. Standard issue kit with the job is a blackberry 8310 so being able to blat out a few lines on twitter which then feeds itself (hopefully) onto the blog may make up for the lack of normal blogging. Speaking of which, I’m still looking for a good Twitter App for Blackberry so if you know if one, do tell.
Goodness knows what on earth I’ll end up writing about but I’m sure my bizarre sense of humor and strange observational awareness will get the better of me leading to all manner of nonsense being posted here.
As for the name; Navigar Oso, it means “Navigate Bear” in Español. I got the nickname bear from my other half, one day she called me by it and it just stuck. To reciprocate I call her my Osita. By now, you’re probably vomiting but what do I care, serves you right for being so nosey.
Thanks for reading.
To be honest, I had an inkling to start a blog about five years ago and got as far as sort of starting one but figured I never did anything that would be of interest to anyone and perhaps I still don't. However, I've been reading about Jim and Renee's travel and life adventures over at their brilliant blog LiveWorkDream and I figured that I'd have a go.
Now, I'm not well versed in "blogging" and will struggle to find time to sit and write about something that I have experienced or think would make a good yarn which is why I've set up the Twitter feed on this site. I am paranoid about my spelling and grammar so I'll write something half a dozen times before pressing the publish button and spend equally ridiculous amounts of time with any images.
Not being born with a silver spoon in my mouth and suckered into the big mortgage trap of the last decade means I have to work for a living. Fortuitously, I work for a marine electronics company in the South of Spain and spend much of my time jumping on an off ships and the odd mega yacht to repair their navigational systems as well as the odd training course somewhere outside Spain. Standard issue kit with the job is a blackberry 8310 so being able to blat out a few lines on twitter which then feeds itself (hopefully) onto the blog may make up for the lack of normal blogging. Speaking of which, I’m still looking for a good Twitter App for Blackberry so if you know if one, do tell.
Goodness knows what on earth I’ll end up writing about but I’m sure my bizarre sense of humor and strange observational awareness will get the better of me leading to all manner of nonsense being posted here.
As for the name; Navigar Oso, it means “Navigate Bear” in Español. I got the nickname bear from my other half, one day she called me by it and it just stuck. To reciprocate I call her my Osita. By now, you’re probably vomiting but what do I care, serves you right for being so nosey.
Thanks for reading.
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